We often forget that we are nature. Nature is not something separate from us. So when we say we have lost our connection to nature, we've really lost our connection to ourselves.
We are all members of each other. We are intimately connected to all life. This is the wisdom of the ages. It is the illusion of separation - from others, from Life, from Nature, from Source, from ourselves - that creates disorder, dysfunction, and disease.
I have been initiated in the healing traditions of the Andes. The Q'ero are the Earth Keepers, the Wisdom Keepers. Their medicine teaches us how to rewrite the stories of our lives. It teaches us how to dream our world into being.
My practice is about service - service to the highest destiny of my clients. It is a practice of reconnection to our essence - to co-creating with Spirit a newer, more expansive and enriching life experience. It is a practice of awakening. And it is a practice of healing.
Ascension is predicated on the root.

Ron is an impeccable and highly gifted shaman. Here is a man that has done his work to such a degree that the forces of nature flow freely through him and his work with tremendous purity and power. His work on me and my loved ones has been nothing short of miraculous. He's got it all, and I am proud and honored to have been his mentor. In the true spirit of shamanism, Ron has taken the work well beyond his teacher's.
Shaman Jon Rasmussen

I was gifted a session with Dr. Ron Kochevar. I went into the session cautiously...and without expectation. I had no idea what it would entail, but committed myself to the concept "that anything was possible".
Ron was warm and genuine, leading the conversation gently in a direction that allowed me to discover what I was really looking to accomplish. He was also direct and adept at getting to the heart of the matter. After a clear and reassuring explanation of what would take place, we went through a series of exercises and techniques that I could best describe as "energy clearing". They were powerful and effective. I could physically feel the energetic shifts.
Post-session - I felt as though a certain "stickiness" had been removed from my body/psyche. My thoughts were clear and sharp, my intentions focused, and my spirit lighter. The very next day, I received seed money for the project I had been working on for years and opportunity began unlocking all around me.
If you are looking for real depth in self-exploration from a trained medical professional who has decades of expertise around the human body and an intrinsic gift for energy medicine, look no further. You have arrived.
Andrea E. Medina
Wellness Architect

“Among all of the experts I've gained from, few, if any, compare to Ron Kochevar's remarkable perspective, healing methods, holistic care and practice. Ron is one of those rare individuals who draws from methodologies and practices going all the way back to the most primitive tribes and their shamans - - and seamlessly integrate those ancient rituals with state-of-the-art neurological information and ideas that science has only recently discovered.”
Tom Numan
Film and TV producer
Board member, past Chairman and co-founder of THE JOYFUL HEART FOUNDATION